Utah Psychological Association

address: 5442 South 900 East, Suite 512, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 | phone: (801) 410-0337 | emailutahpsych@gmail.com

Jordan School District

Type of Site: Internship, School District, not APA Accredited

Program Description:

The JSD APPIC School Psychology Intern position is a full-time, 40 hours per week, 12-month position.  Twenty hours per week will be worked in one elementary or middle school, and a minimum of 20 hours per week will include a rotation in another school setting.  Jordan School District has both traditional and year-round schools, as well as the Jordan Family Education Center, which is an evening program. Therefore, interns complete a 2000-hour internship by working from July through June 30th.

Half-time School Assignment—the intern will be assigned to work 20 hours per week in one elementary or middle school.  The intern will be expected to provide assessment, individual and group counseling, consultation with parents, teachers, and staff, crisis intervention and behavioral interventions for general education and special education students.  The intern will be required to participate in Special Education IEP meetings for students that they have evaluated and serve. Interns should be spending at least 10 hours per week in providing direct service to students.

Required Rotations—each rotation will last thirteen weeks and be for a minimum of 20 hours per week.  The interns will be under the direct supervision of a licensed doctoral level supervisor who is assigned to the school. Rotation sites are listed below.

Elementary School-based Service Delivery:  Interns will be assigned to Heartland Elementary School. The intern will have the opportunity to observe and conduct assessments, individual and group counseling, family therapy, crisis intervention, and behavioral interventions for the students.  The intern will also be involved in Special Education IEP meetings for students that they are involved with in this school. This school has four Special Education self-contained High Functioning Autism and Multiple Disabilities/Autism support classes. These classes have no more than 15 students per class and are generally grouped by type of disability. The interns will also be provided opportunities to gain experience working with these students. The intern will also have the opportunity to observe and conduct preschool assessments of students who are being considered for placement in a Special Education self-contained support class during their kindergarten year.  The full-time licensed psychologist in this setting has implemented an evidence-based experiential parent training intervention program that strengthens families that are impacted by trauma.  The program is called Strengthening Family Coping Resources.  This is a trauma-focused skill-building intervention developed at the University of Maryland.  The intern will have the opportunity to observe and be trained by the licensed psychologist to serve as a co-facilitator in this program. 

River’s Edge School: 

River’s Edge School is a self-contained special education school that serves elementary, middle school, and high school students with severe behavioral, social, and emotional deficits. These students come to River’s Edge School via the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) process due to challenges experienced in a more traditional school setting. Program components include: academics, vocational training, social skills, life skills, and community access skills. The main goal of River’s Edge School is to assist students in learning new behaviors and alternate ways to deal with their emotions to enable them to become successful in their educational and personal lives. River’s Edge School is one of the most restrictive special education placements in Jordan School District. Another component of River’s Edge School is the Independent University (IU) program designed for 18- to 22-year-old special education students with emotional and behavioral deficits. Students are trained in independent living skills and vocational skill.

Interns will be assigned to River’s Edge School for one rotation period for 20 hours per week.   As part of this rotation, the intern will observe, as well as provide assessment counseling, behavioral intervention, and crisis intervention with these students.  The intern will also participate as an observer of the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Team four hours per week.  Interns will also observe and be trained in the ADOS and ADI-R and indepth reading evaluations as part of this rotation.  The intern will be under the direct supervision of a licensed psychologist that is assigned to this school on a full-time basis.

South Valley School & A Middle School-based Service Delivery:

South Valley School provides training for special education students in independent living skills, character education and vocational preparation in full-time and part-time programs. All students leave South Valley School with a post-graduation plan, in an effort to help them succeed in the transition from school and throughout the rest of their lives.  Students who attend this school range in age from 13-22.

Interns will be assigned to South Valley School (8 hours) and to a middle or high school for a total of 20 hours per week for a period of 13 weeks.  Activities in both of these settings will include observation, assessment, individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, and consultation under the direction of a licensed psychologist assigned to these schools on a half to full-time basis.     

Training Director: Fulvia Franco, Ph.D., NCSP

Address: 7905 South Redwood Road

West Jordan, UT 84088

(13 miles from Salt Lake City)

Phone: 801-567-8390x

Populations: Children, adolescents, families, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender, ethnic minorities, disabled, students, international students, low-income, and homeless.

Treatment Modalities: Assessment, individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, consultation/liaison, and crisis intervention.

Experience: Learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, assessment, neuropsychology-child, serious mental illness, anxiety disorders, trauma/PTSD, vocational/career development, and school counseling.

Position Information

Position Begins: 7/15/2016

Number of Full Time Slots expected in next class: 2

Number of Part Time Slots expected in next class: 0

Full Time Annual Stipend: $24,000-$28,200

Fringe Benefits: Dental Insurance, Disability Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Professional Development Time, and Sick Leave.

Applications/Interviews: Application Info available on the website: http://www.jordandistrict.org

Applications due: 12/1/2015

On-site Interview Optional: 1/15/2016

Interviews include: Individual scheduled interviews will be held in person (optional), via telephone or Skype. These interviews will be with a panel of district representatives, including several licensed psychologists. The interview will last less than one hour. Applicants will be notified via email or phone call if the program would like an interview. Applicants should be prepared to discuss skills related to counseling (including family counseling), assessment, behavior intervention, and consultation. 

Requirements for application: Pass comprehensive exams by application deadline, U.S. citizenship required.

Minimum number of AAPI Intervention Hours: N/A

Minimum number of years of grad training required: N/A

Additional Information: Prefers students from School Psychology programs. Prefers students from APA-Accredited programs. Accepts students from Ph.D. and Psy.D. Degree programs.

Summary of 2015-2016 Internship Class

  • ·      6 completed applications
  • ·      4 applicants invited for interviews
  • ·      2 total interns (all from APA/CPA accredited programs and Ph.D. programs)
  • ·      Both interns were from APA-Accredited Ph.D. programs.