Utah Psychological Association

address: 5442 South 900 East, Suite 512, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 | phone: (801) 410-0337 | emailutahpsych@gmail.com

Primary Children’s Hospital/Psychiatry and Behavioral Health

Type of Site: Internship, Child/Adolescent Psychiatric,  APA Accredited

Program Description: The Primary Children's Hospital (PCH) Psychology Internship Program follows a practitioner-scholar model within a pediatric, behavioral health environment. The program's mission is to increase intern competence in clinical skill areas, consistent with PCH's mission, vision, and values, and guided by evidence-based and ethical practices.The internship year is organized around 7 core competencies, which we believe are critical knowledge areas for practicing professional psychologists. The internship program's goal is to prepare doctoral level interns for entry-level psychology post-doctoral or resident positions, with a child/adolescent and family focus, in a variety of settings.The program is designed to be an experiential work and training opportunity, wherein interns receive service-oriented diagnostic and treatment experiences that are sequential, cumulative, and graded in complexity, adding to interns' professional development, helping them make the transition from psychology intern to professional psychologist. For the coming training year, we will have five internship positions: two interns that rotate between an outpatient psychiatric clinic and an adolescent residential/day treatment program; two interns who are primarily based in a pediatric outpatient clinic but who also rotate one day a week in our adolescent residential/day treatment program (half year) and our pediatric behavioral health clinic (half year); and one full-time pediatric psychology intern who provides both C&L services in our hospital and who sees pediatric psychology outpatients in our pediatric behavioral health clinic. In addition to site-specific training opportunities and weekly individual, face-to-face supervision, all interns attend four weekly, structured training activities--individual therapy seminar, family therapy seminar, peer supervision, and a didactic seminar series organized around internship class needs. During the summer months, interns spend one-half day a week on a mini-rotation, gaining additional experience in an area of particular interest mutually agreed on by intern and primary supervisor, and consistent with training needs.

Training Director: Bruce Poulsen, Ph.D.

Address: 5770 S. 1500 W.

Building A

Salt Lake City, UT 84123

Phone: 801-313-7851

Populations: Children, adolescents, families, inpatients, outpatients, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender, ethnic minorities, disabled, students, international students, rural and urban populations, low-income, and homeless populations.

Treatment Modalities: Assessment, individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy, group therapy, community intervention, consultation/liaison, and crisis intervention, brief psychotherapy, long-term psychotherapy, cognitive rehabilitation, primary care, and supervision of practicum students.

Experience: Health psychology, eating disorders, rehabilitation psychology, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, assessment, neuropsychology-child, serious mental illness, anxiety disorders, trauma/PTSD, sexual abuse, substance use  disorders, forensics/corrections, pediatrics, school, counseling, Feminist therapy, religion/spirituality, empirically-supported treatments, program development/evaluation, supervision, research, and integrated health care-primary.

Position Information

Position Begins: 8/10/2015

Number of Full Time Slots expected in next class: 5

Number of Part Time Slots expected in next class: 0

Full Time Annual Stipend: $23,000

Fringe Benefits: Dental Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Sick Leave, and Vacation.

Applications/Interviews: Application Info available on the website: https://intermountainhealthcare.org/careers/residencies-training/medical-resident-fellow-training/pediatric-residencies-internships/psychology-internship/

Applications due: 11/04/2015

On-site Interview Preferred: 1/08/2016

Interviews include: After the application deadline, all applications are reviewed by the Psychology Training Committee. We then select a number of candidates to interview and offer one of three dates in January to visit us.

We interview approximately 30 internship candidates over the course of three days: 1/8, 1/11, and 1/12/2016. We prefer on-site interviews so that potential interns can meet supervising psychologists, see the various rotations, and have a better feel for what our internship offers. On each interview date, we have a brief meeting with all candidates and supervisors, followed by individual interviews. Our current interns are available to interviewees to answer questions and provide their perspectives. They are not involved in the interview or ranking process. Following the individual interviews, candidates are invited to have lunch with our current interns, then take a tour of the various rotations within Primary Children's Hospital.

Requirements for application: Pass comprehensive exams by application deadline.

Minimum number of AAPI Intervention Hours: 400

Minimum number of AAPI Assessment Hours: 100

Minimum number of years of grad training required: 3

Additional Information: Prefers students from Clinical Psychology and Counseling Psychology programs, but will accept students from School Psychology programs. Prefers students from APA-Accredited programs, but will accept students from CPA-Accredited programs and non-accredited programs. Prefers students from Ph.D. and Psy.D. degree programs, but will accept students from Ed.D. degree programs.

Summary of 2015-2016 Internship Class

  • ·      124 completed applications
  • ·      38 applicants invited for interviews
  • ·      5 total interns (all from APA/CPA accredited programs, 2 of which were from Ph.D. programs, and 3 of which were from Psy.D. programs)
  • ·      4 interns were from Clinical Psychology programs, and 1 intern was from a School Psychology program