Utah Psychological Association

UPA Committees

UPA committees consist of several standing committees and such task forces as may be established by the Association and/or the Board of Directors.

Committees shall consist of at least three members, one of whom shall be the chair. All those who serve on committees must be members in good standing of the Utah Psychological Association. Members of standing committees serve staggered three year terms, unless otherwise provided. Committee members shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors. Chairpersons of all standing committees and task forces, except as further provided, shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors at the first meeting of the Board after July 1. The term of appointment shall be for three years. Members of task forces are appointed to terms that equal the proposed life of the task force.

It shall be the responsibility of the Chair of each standing committee to ensure that the description of the committee contained in the Policies and Procedures Manual is accurate and current. Each committee chair shall submit an annual report to the Board of Directors at a time set by the Board.

Communications Committee

This committee maintains or publishes an Association newsletter, website, listserv, and other appropriate mechanisms for communicating information to the membership that is pertinent and relevant to advance the scientific and professional discipline of psychology.

Disaster Response Committee

This committee coordinates the operation of a statewide Disaster Response Network (DRN) of psychologists who offer volunteer mental health assistance during disasters or public traumatic events; and shall partner with the American Red Cross and other community agencies in disaster response.

Diversity Committee

This committee gives attention to issues and integration of cultural sensitivity and commitment to diversity within the Association and the public communities we serve. Issues of diversity include, but are not limited to age, color, ethnicity, gender, language, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability/disability, and socio-economic status.

Education Committee

The education committee is involved in creating, organizing, coordinating and presenting topics that will meet the Continuing Education requirements for the psychologists in Utah.  Additionally, we review other organization plans for CE to ensure quality and qualifications for UPA approval.

Early Career Psychologist Committee

This Committee provides early career psychologists (ECPs) with resources and information needed to establish and promote their careers. The committee’s goal is to provide information to ECPs throughout the state and in the past and provided workshops and presentations on the EPPP, financial planning for ECPs, and networking opportunities. The committee would also like to promote involvement of ECPs within UPA and to that end encourages ECPs to join the Early Career Psychology Committee or one of our other standing committees.

Ethics and Professional Standards Committee

This committee receives complaints concerning alleged violations of the Ethical Principles of Psychologists; shall examine such information as is made available; shall act in accordance with the procedures set forth in the UPA Policies and Procedures Manual; shall assume a non-adversarial role and utilize an educational and supportive approach to address complaints; and shall render opinions as requested by third-party payers, recipients of services, and other relevant groups and individuals as to whether a practice or procedure in question is usual, customary, or reasonable. Reviews may result in a referral to DOPL for investigation. The Past President will oversee this committee.

Finance Committee

This committee reports to the Board of Directors the projected budget for each year; shall keep the Board informed on income and expenditures; and shall decide on prudent disposition of the assets of the Association. The Treasurer shall chair this committee, the President-Elect shall sit on this committee and the Executive Director shall be an ex-officio member.

Insurance Committee

This committee focuses on insurance and other reimbursement programs; shall keep the Association fully informed on such related issues; and shall raise public awareness regarding psychology as it influences insurance reimbursement and related programs.

Legislative Committee

Shall keep the membership of the Association informed on legislative matters that may affect the purpose of the Association; shall recommend to the Board of Directors actions on legislative matters affecting psychology or the general public welfare. The Past President will serve as a member of this committee and the Director of Professional Affairs will be an ex-officio member.

Long Range Planning Committee

This committee is responsible for thoughtful analysis of the structure and goals of the Association and recommend changes to meet future needs.

Membership Committee

This committee presents applications for membership in the Association; shall coordinate with the Executive Director the notification of members of late dues or expired memberships; shall take action to publicize the benefits of membership in the Association and recruit new members. The Treasurer shall be a member of this committee; the Executive Director shall be an ex-officio member of this committee.

Nominating and Awards Committee

This committee organizes the selection and presentation of nominees for election and shall nominate UPA members for other awards as requested by the Board of Directors. The immediate Past President shall chair the committee. The committee shall act in accordance with the procedures set forth in ARTICLE VI, Sections 1 and 2.

Prescription Privileges (RxP) Committee

This committee pursues and coordinates legislation or statute changes, surveys of members, information about training, and other activities necessary to enable qualified psychologists to prescribe psychotropic medication in the State of Utah.

Professional Education Committee

This committee develops and implements programs of continuing education for psychologists and other mental health professionals. The committee shall also approve continuing education credits for professional conferences.

Public Education Committee

This committee promotes understanding of the field of psychology, access to information psychologists possess, and increase frequency and quality of interaction between psychologists and the public.

Student Representative Committee

This committee represents students who are applicants for an undergraduate, graduate or professional degree in psychology in a school of recognized standing so long as they are currently registered. The elected Student Representative to the Board of Directors may chair this Committee.

address: 5442 South 900 East, Suite 512, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 | phone: (801) 410-0337 | emailutahpsych@gmail.com