Utah Psychological Association
Current Committee Representatives Student Representative Armando Martinez Student Representative-Elect Cat Sales | Upcoming events
UPA Student Members
UPA Graduation and Beyond SeriesAPPIC INTERNSHIP APPIC Internship Talk- Dr. Rapacz.m4a Take a listen to this 30 minute discussion with Dr. Amanda Rapacz, Assistant Clinical Director of the Utah State Hospital, on preparing for the APPIC Internship application and interview process. If you have further questions, reach out to Dr. Rapacz at arapacz@utah.gov. POST-DOC/FELLOWSHIP Post-doc and Fellowship Talk- Dr. Pompa and Dr. Feldman.m4a Take a listen to this 45-minute discussion with Dr. Pompa and Dr. Feldman on preparing for Post-doc/Fellowship. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Dr. Pompa (pompa_j@ed.utah.edu) and/or Dr. Feldman (Kristina.Feldman@hsc.utah.edu) over email. EPPP Take a listen to this 30-minute discussion with Dr. Miranda on preparing for the EPPP. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Dr. Miranda (Michelle.Miranda@hsc.utah.edu) over email. |
Benefits of Student Membership:
Expectations of Student Committee Members:
If you are interested in joining the Student Committee, please contact the UPA Student Representative.